Pubg tools settings
Game setting
Before you start anything you should know about it. So when ever you start to play a game like pubg you should have to its info. And best deals
1. Choose Third Person View or First Person View.
In order to understand,TPP is the best outcome playing in the mobile gamibg, FPP is for pC version games.
If you are a player of pubg mobile so you should play on TPP,
TPP has a very good point that is, you can run forward by watching the back view of yours.
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2. Adjust Graphics Quality
Adjust the graphics quality according to your phone’s capabilities. PUBG Mobile this features has updated in this latest update automatically, but if you feel like your game is laggings, then you should closed the all recently used app. If your mobile RAM is 8GB or 6GB then its a minor prblem, but the 3GB and 4GB RAM user mobile being face laggings. this issues is solved by lunching pubg lite
3. Turn peak and fire, thats helps to see before the obstacles
In Settings go to basic and turn on the peak and fire thats very helps you to see before tge obstacle, enemy dobt even know the position that you are stand
4. Checck aim assist that helps you to shoot
Aim assist is required on a touchscreen phone (usually) bcaiming on a touchscreen isn’t nearly as accurate as aiming with a mouse is.if you are a player of pubg mobile thats very amazed because the aim Assist is moving screen but the target is fixed for that you can shoot the enemy easily. A spot-on aim will help you take out enemies quicker and will also help in close-quarter-gunfights.
5. Use The Left Side Fire Button
Yes. Left side fire botton is very important in pubg mobile app. Because with using of right side fire bottom you may feel some lose. Because you have only 2-3 or 4 finger player, but still you have some control on the screen for rotation, moving, side view etc. These all are can not handle with the one finger so you have to use left side fire botton
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